Interview Questionnaire

Step 1 of 4


We need this information to review your coding practices.

If you're familiar with Git flow, should one push to the master branch when updating a repo?(Required)

How many hours can you dedicate to MageHD per week?(Required)

Are you willing to work on the week ends or Holidays?(Required)

Our business hours do not call for working during the weekend or Holidays but at times it may be requested.

Please explain in detail.

Have you worked with a team on the same project?(Required)

ARe you familiar with Teamwork project management platform??(Required)

Which technologies are you capable of developing for?(Required)

Please tell us the years in experience for the technology stacks that you know. 1 per line.

Do you keep up to date with the latest development technologies?(Required)

Explain in detail.

Tell us about yourself

Providing links will help.

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